| | Искусство использования марионеток в сражении развилось в Скрытой
Деревне Песка. В течение долгого времени эти навыки передовались из поколения в поколение. Самым ранним известным мастером боевых марионеток был Чикамацу Монземон. Самым старым живым мастером была Чиё, ее внук
Сасори научился всему что умела она и достиг новых высот.
Когда Сасори сбежал из деревни, там остались его последователи, среди которых позднее выделился Канкуро.
| | Мастера марионеток
| Чиё |
| Первое появление в манге: Глава 252 Первое появление в аниме: 9 серия "Угарных хроник" Имя означает:
"Тысяча Лет" или "Вечность" Место проживания: Скрытый Песок Ранг: Отошла от дел (ранее джанин) Известно: Бабушка Сасори, стара, но подвижна, в прошлом эксперт по ядам. Любимая фраза: "Я хотела подарить моему симпатичному маленькому внуку немного любви, но теперь так или иначе... "
Персональные данные
| Способности
| Не известны
| Потенциал
| Не известен
| Удачливость | Не известна
| | | "Бабушка Чиё", как её нежно называют, является отставным
ниндзя Скрытого Песка. Она и ее брат Эбизоу известны как брат и сестра из рода Красного Песка (Акасуна). В одной из предыдущих Великих войн ниндзя Чиё использовала ее навыки яда, чтобы убивать вражеских ниндзя.
Когда ее внук Сасори оставил деревню за двадцать лет до описываемых событий,
она хотелаь увидеть его снова. Хотя Чиё имела весьма большой опыт по
части создания ядов, её ядам находились противоядия создаваемые "женьщиной слизняком Цунаде". Эта ненависть к Цунаде огорчала Чиё.
Когда ниндзя Скрытой деревни Песка Канкуро был отравлен в сражении ее
внуком Сасори, она сказала что не может ему помочь, но, возможно, это может сделать Цунаде. Ей возразили, что Цунаде не может покинуть Коноху, так как теперь она была Хокаге, а следовательно не может покинуть свою деревню. В результате Канкуро вылечила её ученица - Сакура Харуно.
Когда Темари, Каташи, Наруто и Сакура прибыли в Скрытый Песок, чтобы
помочь деревне, Чиё подскочила, чтобы напасть на Каташи. Она
принимала его за его отца - легендарного Белого Клыка Конохи. Чиё обвиняла его в смерти ее сына, очевидно отеца Сасори,
хотя число сыновей Чиё доподленно неизвестно. Когда ее брат напомнил ей, что Белый Клык давно умер, а следовательно Каташи им быть не может, Чиё пробовала спасти свой имедж, сказав, что она только шутила. Когда Наруто и его команда
решили разыскать Акацуки, Чиё решила пойти с ними. Она взяла пару таинственных свитков, которые могли
быть использованы, чтобы остановить ее внукоа. Во время их поездки за Гаарой, Чиё сообщила, что она запечатала демона Шукаку в теле Гаары. Возможно именно она запечатывала Шукаку в телах двух
предыдущих хозяев. Вскоре Чиё
начала сожалеть о ее прошлых ошибках и решила делать все, что она могла,
чтобы спасти Гаару и деревню Песка. Когда Наруто и его команда нашли Гаару в пещере для извлечения биджу, Чиё и Сакура остались сражаться с Сасори. Навыков Чиё и силы Сакуры оказалось достаточно, что бы разбить Хируку - куклу внутри которой скрывался Сасори, но разбив её они обнаружили странную вещь - за двадцать лет Сасори совсем не изменился... Как оказалось Сасори убил Третьего Казекаге и будет
использовать его в сражении против Чиё как марионетку. Тогда
Чиё решила, что лучше всего сражаться с Сасори с помощью свитков, которые она захватила с собой. Чиё использовала их, чтобы вызвать две марионетки,
родителей Сасори, которые были созданы им в далёком прошлом. Сасори удивился этому, но родительские марионетки были в конечном
счете повержены. Стратегия Сакуры позволила ей разрушать марионетку Третьего Казекаге. Чиё использовала свою самую сильную технику - десять марионеток Чикамацу, эти марионетки были создана легендарным первым мастером марионеток - Чикамацу. Сасори в свою очередь
использовал его легендарную армию состоющую из сотни марионеток. Марионеток у Сасори было больше, но их качество было ниже чем у кукол Чикамацу. В результате Сакуре и Чиё удалось, хоть и с большим трудом, победить марионетки Сасори. Однако Сасори уцелел и попытался убить Чиё отравленным лезвием. Но Сакура спасла её, приняв удар на себя. Из-за яда Сакура не могла двигаться и Тиё решила управлять ей как куклой. Но так, как их действия не принесли результата, то ей пришлось применить её удивительную технику, способную вдохнуть жизнь в мёртвого человека, или марионетку, в обмен на жизнь того кто её использует, на Сакуре, но так, как Сакура ещё была жива то Тиё не умерла. Тиё ввела в битву повреждённые, но не разрушенные окончательно марионетки мамы и папы Сасори, и хотя большая часть тела Сасори была марионеточной Тиё удалось найти живую часть, в которой хранилась его душа, после чего марионетки родителей Сасори пронзилиеё. Умирающий Сасори дал Сакуре полезную информацию о Орочимару и Саске. Позднее найдя Гаару, мёртвого, но унессённого Наруто от Акацукис, она использовала свою технику на нём, после чего спокойно умерла.
| Канкуро | Персональная информация День рожденья: 15-е Мая Група крови: B Рост: 167 см Вес: 61.2 кг
| Первое появление в манге: Глава 35 Первое появление в аниме: 20 эпизод Наруто Имя означает: куро = ворона Место проживания: Скрытый песок Ранг: Генин Возраст: 15 лет Наставник: Баки Персональные данные
| Способности | Не известны
| Потенцеал
| Не известен
| Удачливость | Не известна
| |
Возраст сдачи экзаменов Закончил академию в: ? Сдал экзамен на чуунин в: -
Миссий завершил: Ранга D: ? Ранга C: 9 Ранга B: 1 Ранга A: 1 Ранга S: 1
A Genin from the village of Sand, Kankurou is the brother of Gaara and
Temari. All three siblings participate in the Chuunin Exam. Kankurou
is the son of the Kazekage. In the third preliminary matches of the
Chuunin Exam, Kankurou is placed against Sound spy Tsurugu Misumi.
Utilizing his puppet Karasu, Kankurou is able to surprise Misumi by
having Karasu wrap his arms around the Sound spy and crush him. In the
third test Kankurou is placed against Aburame Shino. When it was time
for his match, Kankurou gave up before the match even started. He
became paranoid and was unsure what to do because Gaara-s match was
delayed. The Sand Genin were under orders to start their plan for the
invasion of Leaf by Sand and Sound after Gaara-s match. After the
invasion began Kankurou helped Gaara escape from the arena to an area
where he could rest so he could begin his transformation into the
Shukaku demon. Along the way he was stopped by Uchiha Sasuke and
Aburame Shino. Shino directed Sasuke to continue after Gaara as he
wanted to finally have his match with Kankurou. Kankurou and Shino
exchanged blows but Shino was able to overcome Kankurou with his
destruction bugs. Later Temari was able to find her injured brother and
help him to safety. With the defeat of Gaara by Uzumaki Naruto,
Kankurou and his siblings retreated from Leaf.
Months after
the invasion and the surrender of Sand, both Leaf and Sand became
allies again. After Uchiha Sasuke left Leaf to seek out Orochimaru,
Shikamaru and a Genin team left to retrieve him. When Shikamaru and the
Genin were in a dire position facing the Four Sounds, Kankurou and his
siblings arrived out of nowhere to lend support. They had arrived under
the direction of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade who had requested assistance
from Sand. Kankurou lended assistance to Kiba and defeated the tiring
Sakon and Ukon with ease. Kankurou and his siblings then returned to
Konoha with the injured Leaf ninja.
After the time skip,
Kankurou advanced in rank to Jounin. When Akatsuki invaded Hidden Sand
to capture Gaara, Kankurou tried in vain to fight Akatsuki member
Sasori and get him back. Unfortunately, Sasori was the legendary puppet
master of Hidden Sand who fled years earlier. Knowing all of Kankurou-s
tricks, he easily avoided injury and poisoned Kankurou. Kankurou had
only three days to live, but the medical skills of Sakura managed to
save him in time. He then remained in the village to recover as Naruto
and his team attempted to track down Gaara-s abductors.Kankurou
is the son of the Kazekage. In the third preliminary matches of the
Chuunin Exam, Kankurou is placed against Sound spy Tsurugu Misumi.
Utilizing his puppet Karasu, Kankurou is able to surprise Misumi by
having Karasu wrap his arms around the Sound spy and crush him. In the
third test Kankurou is placed against Aburame Shino. When it was time
for his match, Kankurou gave up before the match even started. He
became paranoid and was unsure what to do because Gaara-s match was
delayed. The Sand Genin were under orders to start their plan for the
invasion of Leaf by Sand and Sound after Gaara-s match. After the
invasion began Kankurou helped Gaara escape from the arena to an area
where he could rest so he could begin his transformation into the
Shukaku demon. Along the way he was stopped by Uchiha Sasuke and
Aburame Shino. Shino directed Sasuke to continue after Gaara as he
wanted to finally have his match with Kankurou. Kankurou and Shino
exchanged blows but Shino was able to overcome Kankurou with his
destruction bugs. Later Temari was able to find her injured brother and
help him to safety. With the defeat of Gaara by Uzumaki Naruto,
Kankurou and his siblings retreated from Leaf.
Months after
the invasion and the surrender of Sand, both Leaf and Sand became
allies again. After Uchiha Sasuke left Leaf to seek out Orochimaru,
Shikamaru and a Genin team left to retrieve him. When Shikamaru and the
Genin were in a dire position facing the Four Sounds, Kankurou and his
siblings arrived out of nowhere to lend support. They had arrived under
the direction of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade who had requested assistance
from Sand. Kankurou lended assistance to Kiba and defeated the tiring
Sakon and Ukon with ease. Kankurou and his siblings then returned to
Konoha with the injured Leaf ninja.
After the time skip,
Kankurou advanced in rank to Jounin. When Akatsuki invaded Hidden Sand
to capture Gaara, Kankurou tried in vain to fight Akatsuki member
Sasori and get him back. Unfortunately, Sasori was the legendary puppet
master of Hidden Sand who fled years earlier. Knowing all of Kankurou-s
tricks, he easily avoided injury and poisoned Kankurou. Kankurou had
only three days to live, but the medical skills of Sakura managed to
save him in time. He then remained in the village to recover as Naruto
and his team attempted to track down Gaara-s abductors.
| Сасори |
| Первое появление в манге: 247 глава Первое появление в аниме: 2 эпизод "Угарных хроник" Имя означает: "Скорпион" Место проживания: в прошлом деревня Песка Ранг: Не известен (в прошлом джанин) Известно: Мастер марионеток, так же известен как Акасуна но Сасори (Сасори Красного Песка) Любимая фраза: "Вы думаете, что ваш феерверк - настоящее искусство, вы ошибаетесь, настоящее искусство - сохранить красоту навечно. Персональные данные
| Способности
| Не известны
| Потенцеал | Не известен
| Удачливость | Не известна
| | |
Sasori is a missing-nin from Hidden Sand Village who serves as a member
of the Akatsuki Organization. He is very large in size, appearing to
squat low to the ground when he slides across it.
Click Sasori-s bio image to reveal his true appearance.
Sasori, whose name means scorpion, was a former highly ranking ninja
within Hidden Sand who fled 20 years earlier. He was master of puppet
making who was responsible for the design of the puppets Kankurou uses
today. One of his underlings was a Sand ninja named Yuura. When Sasori
fled Sand to join Akatsuki, he placed a jutsu on his underling Yuura to
cause him to unknowingly gather information and serve as a sleeper
agent. When the time came, Yuura would be activated to do his masters
bidding. This same jutsu was used on a young Yakushi Kabuto, who was to
gather information on Sasori-s former partner Orochimaru and his Fuushi
Tensei technique. Orochimaru removed the memory block though and Kabuto
chose to willingly side with Orochimaru.
After the time skip,
Sasori and his partner Deidara came to Hidden Sand to capture the
one-tail demon Shukaku. Waiting outside Hidden Sand, Sasori activated
Yuura. Yuura then wiped out some of the Sand-s defenses, allowing
Deidara to infiltrate and attack Gaara. After Gaara was captured,
Kankurou chased after his brothers captor and met up with Sasori. When
Kankurou tried to stop Deidara, Sasori revealed his true origin for the
first time and fought Kankurou. Kankurou was outmatched by the master
of puppets and he was defeated and poisoned by him. In the battle it
was revealed the tail and other portions of Sasori-s body were puppet
Sasori and Deidara returned to the Akatsuki cave base
and participated in the extraction of the Shukaku demon from Gaara.
Naruto and fellow teammates arrived in an attempt to stop the process
but they did not make it in time. Sasori was faced by his grandmother
Chiyo and Sakura. Chiyo-s battle smarts and Sakura-s power were enough
to destroy Sasori-s current form, that of the puppet Hiruko.
Sasori revealed he kills his opponents and turns them into puppets.
This process was done 298 times in the past and his two female
opponents would make 300. With Hiruko destroyed, Sasori revealed his
greatest triumph, the puppet form of a man who had disappeared under
mysterious circumstances, Hidden Sands own Sandaime Kazekage. Another
surprise waiting for the two kunoichi, was Sasori-s "real" form, a
young man unaffected by time, appearing in the same form he was 20
years previously.
Sasori would use Sandaime-s Satetsu abilities
against the two kunoichi. His ability to make humans into "hitokugutsu"
(literally human puppets) would allow him to use their abilities at
life even in puppet form. Chiyo revealed her hand as well, summoning
Sasori-s very parents who were made into puppets as well when he was
younger. Sasori used Sandaime to form the iron sand into spikes, and
weapons. The puppets exchanged blows, eventually disabling the parent
puppets. Chiyo and Sakura tried to avoid damage, but Sakura got
scratched, forcing her to use one of their two poison antidotes. This
gave Sakura the surprise opportunity though to destroy the Sandaime
puppet. Sasori was then forced to remove his cloak and show his true
Sasori revealed he had made himself into a puppet,
adding deadly weapons to his frame. Sakura managed to strike his body
but it only managed to reform around a cylinder marked with the
"Scorpion" kanji. Chiyo was forced to summon her ten Chikamatsu
puppets, and Sasori in turn summoned his special hundred. The huge
puppet fight began and Sakura managed to pin Sasori-s body to the cave
wall with the help of one of Chiyo-s chakra sealing puppet parts.
Missing though was Sasori-s chest container, where his human essence
lived. One of his broken puppets rose to reveal the container implanted
inside. Weapon in hand it rushed for Chiyo but Sakura jumped in the way
to take the lethal strike. Using her remaining strength, Chiyo secretly
moved the parent puppets from either side to pierce Sasori-s chest
container, striking an apparently fatal blow.
The dying Sasori
mocked the kunoichi and their reliance on physical forms. He told the
two how he had escaped emotion and physical death with his transference
to the container form. He then decided to offer the two kunoichi some
information as a reward for beating him. He told them he was to meet
with an underling of his who is acting as a spy in Orochimaru-s camp.
In ten days, on a bridge in the Grass Country they were to meet. With
that, Sasori fell to the ground alongside his parents, dead. Sakura
congratulated Chiyo for defeating Sasori, but Chiyo made a sad
revelation. Sasori recognized the parents were going to strike, but he
hesitated and did not move to avoid the attack. Sasori was not yet
beyond emotion as he so claimed, he seemingly desired one final embrace
from his parents.
The Leaf would use the information Sasori
provided and travel to the Grass Country. When they arrived at the
bridge, Leaf ninja Yamato would transform and impersonate Sasori in his
Hiruko puppet. The Leaf watched in surprise as the spy was revealed as
Kabuto. They received another surprise when he moved to kill Sasori,
revealing his new allegiance to Orochimaru.
Click Sasori-s bio image to reveal his true appearance.
Sasori, whose name means scorpion, was a former highly ranking ninja
within Hidden Sand who fled 20 years earlier. He was master of puppet
making who was responsible for the design of the puppets Kankurou uses
today. One of his underlings was a Sand ninja named Yuura. When Sasori
fled Sand to join Akatsuki, he placed a jutsu on his underling Yuura to
cause him to unknowingly gather information and serve as a sleeper
agent. When the time came, Yuura would be activated to do his masters
bidding. This same jutsu was used on a young Yakushi Kabuto, who was to
gather information on Sasori-s former partner Orochimaru and his Fuushi
Tensei technique. Orochimaru removed the memory block though and Kabuto
chose to willingly side with Orochimaru.
After the time skip,
Sasori and his partner Deidara came to Hidden Sand to capture the
one-tail demon Shukaku. Waiting outside Hidden Sand, Sasori activated
Yuura. Yuura then wiped out some of the Sand-s defenses, allowing
Deidara to infiltrate and attack Gaara. After Gaara was captured,
Kankurou chased after his brothers captor and met up with Sasori. When
Kankurou tried to stop Deidara, Sasori revealed his true origin for the
first time and fought Kankurou. Kankurou was outmatched by the master
of puppets and he was defeated and poisoned by him. In the battle it
was revealed the tail and other portions of Sasori-s body were puppet
Sasori and Deidara returned to the Akatsuki cave base
and participated in the extraction of the Shukaku demon from Gaara.
Naruto and fellow teammates arrived in an attempt to stop the process
but they did not make it in time. Sasori was faced by his grandmother
Chiyo and Sakura. Chiyo-s battle smarts and Sakura-s power were enough
to destroy Sasori-s current form, that of the puppet Hiruko.
Sasori revealed he kills his opponents and turns them into puppets.
This process was done 298 times in the past and his two female
opponents would make 300. With Hiruko destroyed, Sasori revealed his
greatest triumph, the puppet form of a man who had disappeared under
mysterious circumstances, Hidden Sands own Sandaime Kazekage. Another
surprise waiting for the two kunoichi, was Sasori-s "real" form, a
young man unaffected by time, appearing in the same form he was 20
years previously.
Sasori would use Sandaime-s Satetsu abilities
against the two kunoichi. His ability to make humans into "hitokugutsu"
(literally human puppets) would allow him to use their abilities at
life even in puppet form. Chiyo revealed her hand as well, summoning
Sasori-s very parents who were made into puppets as well when he was
younger. Sasori used Sandaime to form the iron sand into spikes, and
weapons. The puppets exchanged blows, eventually disabling the parent
puppets. Chiyo and Sakura tried to avoid damage, but Sakura got
scratched, forcing her to use one of their two poison antidotes. This
gave Sakura the surprise opportunity though to destroy the Sandaime
puppet. Sasori was then forced to remove his cloak and show his true
Sasori revealed he had made himself into a puppet,
adding deadly weapons to his frame. Sakura managed to strike his body
but it only managed to reform around a cylinder marked with the
"Scorpion" kanji. Chiyo was forced to summon her ten Chikamatsu
puppets, and Sasori in turn summoned his special hundred. The huge
puppet fight began and Sakura managed to pin Sasori-s body to the cave
wall with the help of one of Chiyo-s chakra sealing puppet parts.
Missing though was Sasori-s chest container, where his human essence
lived. One of his broken puppets rose to reveal the container implanted
inside. Weapon in hand it rushed for Chiyo but Sakura jumped in the way
to take the lethal strike. Using her remaining strength, Chiyo secretly
moved the parent puppets from either side to pierce Sasori-s chest
container, striking an apparently fatal blow.
The dying Sasori
mocked the kunoichi and their reliance on physical forms. He told the
two how he had escaped emotion and physical death with his transference
to the container form. He then decided to offer the two kunoichi some
information as a reward for beating him. He told them he was to meet
with an underling of his who is acting as a spy in Orochimaru-s camp.
In ten days, on a bridge in the Grass Country they were to meet. With
that, Sasori fell to the ground alongside his parents, dead. Sakura
congratulated Chiyo for defeating Sasori, but Chiyo made a sad
revelation. Sasori recognized the parents were going to strike, but he
hesitated and did not move to avoid the attack. Sasori was not yet
beyond emotion as he so claimed, he seemingly desired one final embrace
from his parents.
The Leaf would use the information Sasori
provided and travel to the Grass Country. When they arrived at the
bridge, Leaf ninja Yamato would transform and impersonate Sasori in his
Hiruko puppet. The Leaf watched in surprise as the spy was revealed as
Kabuto. They received another surprise when he moved to kill Sasori,
revealing his new allegiance to Orochimaru. | Клан Рудоуин
| Первое появление в манге: Не было Первое появление в аниме: 195 эпизод Имя означает: Ру = Дракон, Доу = Холл, Ин = Институт (школа) Место проживания: Страна Огня
Персональная информация
| Способности
| Не известны
| Потенцеал
| Не известен
| Удачливость
| Не известна
| | |
The three Ryuudouin brothers Genshou, Rokkaku and Jakou are the sons of
Ryuudouin Agira, who had fought Maito Gai years before and lost. The
Ryuudouin use wood training men in their attacks. Most of the men act
on their own using simple kicks and strikes through a charm placed on
their body. The clan members through can use Kugutsu to move certain
men independently. The brothers believed their father took the loss to
Gai as a disgrace. On his deathbed he commanded them to fight Gai.
Since then the three patiently waited for their chance for revenge.
When they confronted Gai he stated he remembered their father and he
fought valiantly. The brothers tried to trap Gai and destroy him but he
managed to escape with Rock Lee-s help. Gai explained how he fought
their father fairly, and that the man was eager for a rematch. The
brothers then realized they probably misunderstood their father’s final
Марионетки | Марионетки Акагахары
| Первое появление в манге: Не было Первое появление в аниме: ОВА1 Место проживания: Коноха Назначение: атака Основное оружие Руки - ножи; ротовой метатель кунаев. | |
In the exam area Akagahara, one of the traps surrounding the statue
above the red four-leaf clover, was an army of puppets. These puppets
were left over from their days as obstacles in the exam area. Basic in
type and severly aged, these puppets seemed to move under some hidden
means, as there was no puppet master around.
| Хируко |
| Первое появление в манге: глава 247 Первое появление в аниме: 2-я серия "Угарных хроник" Имя означает: Мифологический японский бог Место проживания: Суна Мастер: Сасори Назначение: атака, защита Основное оружие большой подвижный хвост | |
Hiruko has been in Sasori-s arsenal for many years, and he has made
modifications to it over time. These include putting more armor on a
weakspot on the back, and supplementing it with a "tongue" tail. The
tip of the tail drips with a deadly poison which can kill any opponent
who gets hit by it.
| Армия из ста марионеток
| Первое появление в манге: глава 272 Первое появление в аниме: 26-я серия "Угарных хроник" Место проживания: Суна Мастер: Сасори Назначение: атака, защита Основное оружие всевозможные мечи | |
These hundred puppets are said to be Sasori-s last and ultimate
puppets, his "Red Secret Technique". Made using his hitokugutsu
technique, the puppets were once human who fell in battle to Sasori.
Sasori would take their forms and turn them into puppets, allowing him
to use their skills and abilities as their own. Many of the puppets
appear to carry the weapons they once used in life. With these puppets
at his side, Sasori claims to have been able to bring down a country.
| Десять марионеток Чикамацу
| Первое появление в манге: глава 272 Первое появление в аниме: 26-я серия "Угарных хроник" Место проживания: Суна Мастер: Чиё Назначение: атака, защита
| |
These puppets were made by the first Kugutsu no Jutsu user, Chikamatsu
Monzaemon. The puppets were passed on to the hands of Hidden Sand user
Chiyo. She uses the puppets as her ultimate technique, her "White
Secret Technique". The puppets are stored in a summoning scroll, when
summoned each individual puppet is manipulated by one finger on each of
her hands.
Below are the ten puppets and their revealed abilities. It is unknown if they possess other weapons and attacks. |
| | Puppet One:
This puppet does not appear to have any hidden weapons, instead relying
on its brute strength and power to knock away attackers. | | Puppet Two: This puppet does not appear to have any hidden weapons, instead it used its body in defensive maneuvers. | | Puppet Three:
This puppet holds a chakra sealing orb in its mouth. The mouth will
open, releasing the fist-size orb. When thrown the orb increased in
size to reveal that it is actually a gaping maw. This large head can
bite and pin opponents to a wall, sealing their ability to use chakra. | | Puppet Four ("Buddha"):
This puppet bears the mark of "Buddha" in its mouth. It forms the top
portion of the Sanbou Kyuukai technique. It works along side puppet six
("Acts") and eight ("Priest"). | | Puppet Five:
This puppet utilizes some form of chakra-like blade. The top portion of
its head will lift, to reveal a round sub-face. This face will extend
four blades, which will begin to spin. This puppet works in conjunction
with puppet nine. | | Puppet Six: ("Dharma/Acts")
This puppet bears the mark of "Acts" in its mouth. It forms the lower
left portion of the Sanbou Kyuukai technique. It works along side
puppet four ("Buddha") and eight ("Priest"). | | Puppet Seven: This puppet wields large head-cleaving swords, which it can use to split enemies in twain. | | Puppet Eight ("Sangha/Priest"):
This puppet bears the mark of "Priest" in its mouth. It forms the lower
right portion of the Sanbou Kyuukai technique. It works along side
puppet four ("Buddha") and six ("Acts"). | | Puppet Nine:
This puppet works in conjunction with puppet five. It can extend its
right hand on a chain, to interlock with puppet fives left hand. It can
then hurls puppet five and its spinning sub-face at its opponents. | | Puppet Ten: This puppet holds extending cords in its skull. It can extend these piercing wires into its opponents. | Карасу |
| First Manga Appearance: Chapter 70 First Anime Appearance: Episode 41 Name Meaning: "Crow" Hidden Village: Sand Village Master: Kankurou Type: Attack Primary Weapons Detatchable limbs, Extendable poisoned blades from limbs, Firing poison gas, Razor blade ribs, Mouth kunai launcher | |
Karasu was originally built by Sasori. Karasu is the primary puppet of
Kankurou, as his skills developed, he used Kuroari and Sanshouou in
conjunction with it. Karasu is a puppet loaded with weapons, each limb
has multiple weapons installed and ready for use.
| Куроари |
| First Manga Appearance: Chapter 213 First Anime Appearance: Episode 125 Name Meaning: "Black Ant" Hidden Village: Sand Village Master: Kankurou Type: Defense Primary Weapons Saw blades on arms, Large expanding chest cavity for capture | |
Kuroari was Kankurou-s second puppet. This puppet was originally built
to capture the opponent. Together with Karasu it makes a set, with
Karasu leading the attacks to lead the enemy into the trap that is
Kuroari. Once trapped inside Kuroari, Karasu will disassemble to extend
poison blades. These blades will then by sunk into Kuroari-s holes,
sending a poison death strike into the enemy trapped within.
| Мокуджины |
| First Manga Appearance: NA First Anime Appearance: Episode 195 Name Meaning: "Wood Man" Hidden Village: - Master: Ryuudouin Clan Type: Attack, Defense, Supplementary Primary Weapons Ability to strike, spin and attach multiple sections together | |
The Ryuudouin clan can manipulate their wooden men using Ninpou:
Mokujin Soujutsu. Their vast army of wooden training men move
independently through the usage of charms placed on their heads.
Because these men are "dumb" and only attack randomly, a target can
easily defeat them with time. By using Mokujin Soujutsu, they can
control specific puppets. This allows the puppets to better attack and
defend themselves against their targets. |
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